Friday, June 11, 2010

Bleeding Week After Period

A birthday on Wheels

In this opportunity, I share with you an assignment that I really enjoyed it. Hope you like it and also like the driver of the Dodge hehe. I imagine I will do to get his head inside the car ha! Cheers, until next time ...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Difference Between Hollywood And Brazilian

Brick Campaign Finished

On Sunday June 6 in San District neighborhood UTMA Guaymallén Francisco del Monte, the First Festival Solidario carnival, where there Murgas, Candombre, Bolivian Comparsas, Costume Contest, Art Gallery etre other things.
The quote was from the 16 ° ° pm. in the plaza of the neighborhood and was organized by the youth of the Community. They are taking actions in his neighborhood "change the face and show the kids that we want to do things and we can organize ourselves."

The event was also supported by the Guaymallén County through coordination of community relations, neighborhood Neighborhood Union (who were the beneficiaries of the bricks are met) and Group A hand for peace.

organizers asked the neighbors to go to the door of his house with a brick and the rhythm of the street musicians were in a van-

More information: 0261 156 516327, 0261 156 176671

Friday, June 4, 2010

How Long I Have To Take Off With Kidney Infection

Solidarity Campaign: Four

with different social and cultural activities completed by Talcahuano Guaymallén campaign organized by the Community FM The mosquito, the Coordinator of Community Relations and the Municipal City Hall both Guaymallén, with the support of Group Encounters Bermejo, Segovia Group Meeting in Cologne, theater Argonauts Workshop The Popular Theatre Bermejo popular and talented artists of the department.

The end of the campaign was gathering food such as milk, water, etc., Some winter clothes, diapers, through various activities were organized in trancurso the months of April and May. All recauado was sent last week by the Foreign Ministry of the municipality of Talcahuano Chile, due to the damage occurred in this district by the terrible earthquake of last February, and organizers who made contact a while back. Overall

met a truckload of items needed, product donations guaymallinos all, showing once again solidarity among peoples.

More information: 0261 4511808, 0261 153 058431

Supplementary Angles Example In Real Life

Talcahuano Guaymallén for Youth groups make their dreams

The National Secretariat for Children, Youth and Family (SENNAF) awarded four draft youth groups Guyamallén department, in the framework of National "Our Place."
The projects were presented in coordination with the Coordination of Community Relations of the Municipality, who have been working to strengthen rights and to organize in their neighborhoods.
Adolescents with team winners Community Relations were the 17th and 18th May in Buenos Aires receiving awards from the hand of the Minister of Social Development Dr. Alicia Kirchner in a ceremony at the University of Lanús.
groups and winning projects were: Judo School district Paraguay with its project to strengthen youth groups iron bridge with a street football project for everyone, Murga Encouraged by the Killing of Jesus of Nazareth with its project Murga strengthen and color fill the neighborhood with murals, youth group in the districts of Good News and Rodeo de la Cruz with its project to make Magazines neighborhood in their communities.

Prizes were given money to strengthen and make their projects with a total of $ 20,000 each group. What enables young people are empowered and can exercise their rights from the popular organziación and commitment to their neighborhood.