long Hello! I have a teenager here very cool, wanted to leave the leaves whole body in that design drawings for live, now I just need to go to draw at a party lol. Greetings and thanks for visiting the blog! See you at the next post ...
Linda Hi people! here I share with you a commission and have asked me since I was very pleased with the result, not want to miss the opportunity to upload images. Here these two pictures with a good dose of insanity made in the drawing are very well reflected ... Greetings to friend Rodrigo and thanks for your vibes! I handed him the picture and I ended up selling my old one plate! lol believe it!
Hi everyone .. Here I upload a picture and I liked the simple reason that now we are watching you ... It's just a particular charge is not nobody special, I like it stay nice. A granddaughter was very good with his grandmother with this gift, Thank you and hope you like! Sallu
As gentlemen came this spring! how many people are getting married! live love and boyfriends who think cartoonists to design their wedding cards! Vivan los novioss! VIVA!
Hello Amigos! here show Norma and Peter, they are fulfilling their ruby \u200b\u200bwedding first, which I never knew existed, knew the silver and gold, but in the end, I welcome and what better opportunity to celebrate the unity and love of these partners life .. and here the design of the leaves where they live draw your guests into the celebration ... Completita was the thing .. Hope you like!
Here we have this particular married couple with their original invitation, he and his passion for "irons" and accompanying it as a good companion in life and workshop, hehe and another does not fit .. Here goes and I hope you like it. I'll upload some more odd jobs ... Salute!
autodibujo Autoretratura with live shows, sounds weird right?
Hello beautiful people, here I share this version of me that I did at some point, "no photo" anyway, I got this gesture of gilazo I usually put the photos as it is attached haha, I'll do a self portrait with a good photo and something more elaborate, color and all the ball. Hope you like it, I'll upload new stuff .. Salute!
In this opportunity we have a faithful portrait of Don Diego Prevalil, friend and fellow high-flying, flew so high that grew a beard and went to the summit of the highest mountain and calls himself "The Yeti" .. commented that it is playing football for areas up late with a Carioca shirt, canary yellow of Brazil. Myth?, Reality?, There are people who claims to have been throwing kicks on the court, that is something we will never know ... In this same situation, I reflected with pen on paper as it is can be found on his mountain to practicing and playing games with her balls with his claws. Embrace for Dieguito, aka the Yeti! ... and shave that beard man!
Hello hello ... here I leave a few designs invitations cards a wedding lovebirds commissioned me for their weddings. There are very complex designs, but they are nice because it is the caricature of the honorees in each card, a memory more than the couple left for the guests. Since it is something very original and fun! Hope you like ...
Vincent Price in The Challenge Zoilo Concha ... Louis Armstrong
Hello beautiful people! here I leave my weekly contribution to the blog Zoilo Concha fortunately increasingly has more artists, I hope you like it and for those who want and have wanted to stop by the Challenge Zoilo Concha, so be it ... virtual hug to all visitors and we are in the next posting!
How are you all? here I leave a Louis Armstrong, done in pen for the most important blog on the web and each day has more participants excellent, I mean Zoilo Concha CHALLENGE! well, I hope you like it ... Until the next posting. Salute a tutti mundi!
Here we see a Juan Cruz singing a duet with the Indio Solari was a gift that friends did to this fan. I hope I made them look good, at least to insult not called me so far hehe. Is done in colored pencil on illustration paper. Soon we will be uploading more stuff, hope you like .. Thanks and see you in the following Stroke ...
haha \u200b\u200bHuh? ? Kinski kien? what many (myself included) are asking: Where did this man? appears to be well known in the entertainment world of the big screen, I knew him through the pattern to draw for the Challenge Zoilo Concha, the most commented blog on the web ... Luckily you are having such an impact and note the extent to which the actors and / or famous people and make statements for inclusion in this blog .. one at boys who are there for everyone!
This time we see Jim Carrey, making this character appeared in a business trip with a colleague and friend Diego Parpaglione, as is customary on long trips get the classic films of the buses, which were going Liar, Liar, my partner dropped the phrase "difficult to draw that character Jim Carrey" and hence was born the challenge and we set out to do and give it to the next week! Hey here who was born a new proposal, to draw in the week a different character and give it to the end of it, so those who want to peek to see the different characters will be punished, they are more than welcome! the blog where colleagues would be the works: http://www.desafiozoiloconcha.blogspot.com Then he commented as he was born as the name of the blog lol that's a separate issue ...
My dad just changed my Loock I decide to escrachar for their 57 anniversary! Since starting with this drawing that I decided to make a caricature, we finally smiling next to the version in pencil and acrylics! Congratulations old dear, and you enjoy it ...
This loco is Paul Boiso alias "La Nona" is one of my favorite pictures because I put a lot of dedication, lots of details, lots of love. A small thank you for all that I bank this character. Thanks big head and a big hug for you ... and will continue to raise others from the list of friends and others are in the sights, go knowing ... Muejeje!
all started here, one of those days I started having severe headaches, my clothes were ripped and my upper extremities changed to what is shown in the illustration. If you know how hard it is typing with a pencil and a paintbrush giant like arms. Anyway, I had to to drawing and painting since he had no choice ... haha