the repressor in Mendoza
Next Wednesday November 17th is a historic date for People of Mendoza and Argentina. After so many legal and political maneuvering on the part of the Federal Courts Mendoza to avoid the trials of the oppressors and their accomplices in the Civil-Military dictatorship killed in our province, will begin, finally, the trials for the truth and justice. From
Coordination Community Relations Guaymallén Municipal Government, we salute all @ s @ s partner agencies Human Rights for 27 years waiting for this moment fighting and raising the banner of truth, at times against odds and in others (like this) with massive popular support and a National State, Provincial and Municipal committed to historical truth, justice and the strict defense of human rights. We can not
Mention of our beloved former President Nestor Kirchner, one of the great peace activists, who as head of the National returned the hope that this day would come in our province, taking the necessary policy decisions and right to know the truth and repeal the laws of impunity that protected the murderers.
All activists who work every day for a country must accompany all Mothers, Grandmothers, Children, and all the families of our missing and murdered fellow Mendoza. Tuesday 18hs.es 16 at the esplanade of the House of All, as it should be ...
For you comrades who are always there! and thanks to those who never stopped walking!
Coordination Team Community Relations, "On the Popular Organization"
Guaymallén County
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