Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Southern Chicken Perlo


The NEXT FRIDAY 25 FEBRUARY be the SINGLE DAY that deliver the 1st BATCH OF RESERVES AND BROCHURES, the same shall be in two hours, 1 9am to 12pm and 2 of 18hs to 21hs.
- At 12am (order of 1 turn) and 21hs (end of 2 nd shift) will be delivered numbers to those present who have not yet withdrawn their reservations, those arriving after this NO
may withdraw their .
- Those who do not withdraw their reservations this Friday are automatically out of the generation
- People unable to attend should do so through a proxy , which must concur with POWER,
. ( whether or must bring 3 sheets)

Grace Baby Lock Price


This video I have copied the
BLOG sentenced to unpaid work: An interview work by Monty Python
. We encourage you to watch the video and think-SODEMASA HR, because the reality is very different. Also do not forget to visit the BLOG interesaros companion and for its location and conflict.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Which Brand Is The Strongest Paper Towel?

social cuts BASTA YA!

When in the autumn of 2008 broke large financial corporations, it appeared that the capitalist system was collapsing like a house of cards. Both the powerful and the training of mass media concluded that the blame for this nonsense were the neoliberal policy

, the pursuit of greater benefit in the shortest possible time, regardless of social or environmental costs necessary to obtain it. Some of these leaders spoke even rebuild the capitalist system and then called billion dollar aid for those same banks. Generously provided aid to states and created deficits and public debt. Today, those same financial corporations, the much vaunted market, once recovered from the blow with the aid of our taxes, our obedient rulers dictate policies to overcome the crisis. And these are simple, workers must pay for their crisis. First we pay with our tax their excesses and now force us to abandon our labor and social rights. Pensions down today, tomorrow privatized health ... The capitalist beast is insatiable.

The citizens who are in this square a loud and clear express
Enough of social cuts!

This event does not end here, with this continual assault on labor and social rights, are part of the overall resistance is being generated and we will:

• show our defiance, • move consciences and citizen resistance
We will build an alternative to the capitalist crisis,
We will prevent social regression by leaps and bounds that we are leading the measures taken in response to the crisis and especially the pact approved by the Government, employers and trade unions UGT-CCOO.

reminding us again that:

• The head of the devastating crisis we are experiencing is this economic system. It is the nature capitalist system where the causes of financial crisis, ecological, organization of care, ethics ... but we want to believe in global capitalism as the only alternative. • We are living the dictatorship of international markets on governments, which represents a threat to peace and coexistence. The government of Rodriguez Zapatero • The accounts of the deficit with which governments justify the neoliberal measures are largely a result of colossal aid granted by Member States banks and others responsible for the current crisis.

After the threat of elimination of the subsidy of 426 € that we generated outrage and labor reform passed in ominous touch decree, signed the Articles of Incorporation, the same day we knew the record figures unemployment. With an unemployment rate continues to increase monthly, with millions of young people in precarious employment weekly jump to unemployment and vice versa, with a tax system the most regressive tax and powerless against fraud, evictions and foreclosures daily workers unable to pay the rent or the mortgage at the same time it increases the empty houses, with a highly restrictive immigration policy grating racism arbitrariness and abuse ... that there is no alternative to reform is either an abdication of their responsibilities, or an exercise of intellectual and discursive ineptness. How long will you give in to 'markets'? This agreement is a brutal attack on the pension system is another twist to the "structural adjustment" that we are subjected. Acceptance of same by the UGT and CCOO consider it an abandonment of the interests of social sectors that claim to represent: have accepted the loss of historic and social mobilization braking to paralyze government action. reject the "pensionazo" because:

• Part of the idea that there can be a long-term public pension system, but we know it really is feasible whenever there is a fair tax system that allows social spending necessary for a decent life of the whole population. Ensure all people a decent pension seems a social necessity and possible first-order with another model of organization. • The reform seeks to encourage private pension plans through the social alarm it generates, for lack of workers and future workers, echándonos, once again, into the hands of banks, largely responsible for the situation we are living. For financial markets private pension plans are huge funds to further speculation that they have secured for many years.
• cuts, especially in some sectors, are precarious workers, self employed, domestic workers, youth, migrants and women, because of inferior working conditions that affect them and a socioeconomic model of incompatibility between employment and care daughters / os and dependents.
• Accepts more cuts in pensions for the future, depending on life expectancy, without thinking of alternatives to increase the retirement age and would increase system revenues (increased employment and wages, public participation in financing ... etc).

There are other measures in the covenant are also the subject of our protest:
• Government, CCOO, UGT and CEOE have incorporated into their agreement, as dangerous currency, the inclusion of industrial plans, energy and innovation policy.
• That the agreement on energy policy for public acceptance of energy planning for 2020, based on fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

These sectoral performances, they want to sell it as a great social pact, but like the pension reform is outside most of the population and diversity of social groups are working on these issues, so do not consider ourselves represented by either party.

load Will they soon have more "adjustment measures (education, health, energy policy ...)?, We fear that if.

For all these issues to organizations and individuals in the city of Huesca that we have convened this event we commit to continue working on new measures and coordinated actions to denounce the alleged partnership agreement and any measures that violate our rights and duties social.
We encourage you to actively join in this commitment.
Huesca, February 9, 2011.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hl=en&q=car Games&meta=

SODEMASA continued wastage "The PP asks Bone to explain forestry staff cuts. "We started the fight

Recently the IMF has made a harsh self-criticism. This is based on and could not be able to anticipate the current crisis. These errors of management are not new and are repeated periodically for 'all types of organizations. Such errors would be reflected in the report:

even thinking"
"The IMF's ability to correctly identify the increasing risks was hampered by the high degree of groupthink
, intellectual boardings a
general mentality that a major financial crisis economies advanced unlikely,
and analytical approaches inadequate.
" "
weak internal governance, there were situations of" self-censorship
political constraints "on the part of member countries'

" "The incentives are
aimed at building consensus with the prevailing views
"says analytical staff. "
express strong views against
could ruin my career" "
" officials believed that "had
limits the degree of criticism that could
raise "and"
can not be telling the truth
authorities' "
As we see clearly in the IMF had an intellectual current that did not allow dissension. This
groupthink groupthink
or normal in organizations that are "isolated" in the world. That is no chance of seeing reality differently, and certainly not admit critical opinions in the management even if positivas.Se become blind organizations, where the polarizing just wanted to highlight their positions (but always on the same line of thought). This decision is limited and there is no possibility of adapting to a changing world. And this is what happens in SODEMASA. The simple fact that the company refuses to CNT the opportunity to be present without retaliating to their affiliates and / or delegates (such as dismissal of his deputy when he presented the Section of Association) requires workers to be unable to express disagreement in management . If the major players in the production have no channels other than those established by the managers themselves are not new ideas. This is not efficient, not be safe, not organized, definitely not a business but a place where people go to ....... God knows.
And will it end. Simple, "crashing" their workers (and managers are careful not to pinch your fingers). An organization with fewer symptoms organizational improvement, bouncing uncontrolled trade unionists and / or thought itself, which poses management objectives, which is not conducted with reason, but by the guidelines of the party leadership who does not know the forest environment and not even about the productive base, which maintains a policy of recruiting obscurantist (or the appalling cronyism?), and is dedicated to the emergency merely expose repeated so unassumable risks to workers. This will insured serious accidents and deaths. Therefore
from the Union Section of CNT-SODEMASA ask all end security workers, who refuse to perform dangerous acts, not support the cohercción (in them peers) to risk for the work, if any are threatened with the reality of work in Aragon not hesitate to contact with the CNT-defense. We should not be intimidated at the moment so hard working. Our work now is in itself very dangerous and make every day an adventure day, so that solidarity and action in our defense and our security is more necessary than ever.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Blue Print Of Balsa Wood Design

on Facebook

Here I put the Policy GEACAM PRL, a company that manages the operation against IF in Castilla la Mancha (
). Good job this by GEACAM, where only 4 pages collects general lines to follow for the protection of workers. The draft manifesto as it requires the company to meet them, if you can not always draw attention to its own guidelines, which any manager would cause a discomfort for not being consistent between what he says and what it does. SODEMASA
strongly encouraged to be able to copy the idea of \u200b\u200bthis show (and even copy) and create one for internal use.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Watch Film On Usb Sticks On Tv

Signs of May 1, since the transition to today

The DGA has just published the following announcement:
Service to train operating crews of preventing and extinguishing forest fires in the Autonomous Community Aragon for the campaign in 2011 (Lots 1-5)
. This service is only part of SODEMASA workers who are dedicated to the extinction of IF in Aragon. Rangers missing permanent positions (those who detect the IF), and issuers. The budget for this service amounted to 128,000 euros (excluding VAT) and pay up to 1000 euros per day of course. To say that the courses are repeated for each group (retention, fire engine or helitranspotado) in a manner identical, meaning that a trainer may be repeating in each course and charge 1000 euros per day.
can imagine that is due to the crisis which has reduced training in temporary charge at checkpoints land (3 has dropped to 2 days) and helicopter transport (5 to 3 days). But
Why not call the former (fired by repression alone and only association to create the Union Section of CNT-SODEMASA) David Vidal and hired him and that assume the formation of the operation thus saving money and being able to maintain the workload of previous years?. Say also that the different training schedules of the trainer set up last year.
Why else would schedule the last day dedicated to security training do not perform the technical prevention of occupational risks in the company, and so the saving would 1000 euros (plus VAT) per course and so we should not have fired any of them?. believe logical as these technicians who know the reality of workers who work first hand and for their safety.
Obviously these cuts can be avoided only argued that they do not care training in the skills necessary wildland firefighters to work safely and efficiently, nor do they care save public money. David Vidal and last year proposed two possibilities for savings, with the response of the leadership of the company "! Then never would have those of the Administration budget."
then say there is no money you have to cut the money spent to pay the fire fighters but happily spend 128,000 euros (plus VAT) not even want to optimize.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

To Date Or Not To Date Sayings

The Pp remember now approaching elections and trimming staff that is going to suffer the Aragonese Mount budget. We hope it is not only for political gain but they really try to the next full SODEMASA clean up the public company. If its members and politicians really want to Aragon should strive to eliminate cronyism (
J esus Muniesa

charges 96,000 euros annual salary
, waste (between 3,000 and 5,000 euros each year of teaching of the bands when the trainer could be fired for much less recently), the continued implementation of a precarious employment of workers (see Case dismissal
    1 2
  • ) chieftaincy, etc. It may be too much to hope ....

Get Well Card Ladies Broken Leg

Now you can also continue the struggle for rights and health of workers SODEMASA, as well as the various attempts that we made for the Administration to realize a more efficient and saving on Facebook. Our name is SODEMASA Cnt. Posters

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Do U Need For Your New York State Id

May 1, since the transition to today PP and the employer, traitors and Oget CCOO union, reported that only those who can no longer avoid reporting, we are compelled to help spread the various demonstrations occurred. For this visit such Web:
  • either them or us. The general strike yesterday in 4 CCAA (Euskadi, Navarra, Catalonia and Galicia) has hardly any media attention. Faced with the absolute role of the "information" about the pact of the boarding house by this despicable, abject misinformation of those who struggle. This despite more than 50 events yesterday in the English State. Other pages that you must visit: