To mark the month's activities in the department of child Guaymallén been organized various activities for the kids.
social organizations and youth groups with support from the town have organized a schedule with great joy and color. In this case
reach diverse communities the "Circus People of Joy", which by clowns, jugglers, live music, trapeze artists, acrobats and circus take a lot of rhythm and a different day the boys department.
The Circus is present in these communities, the celebration supported by the Coordination of Community Relations of the Municipality of Guaymallén.
August 7: Club Pedro Molina, an activity organized by various organizations in the district including: Club Pedro Molina, Garden KUMELA, Neighborhood Union, Senior Center of Pedro Molina, etc. 10am.
August 7: Barrio The Iron Bridge Farms: Assoc activity organized by The Farms, Grupo Scouts of Villa Nueva. 15hs.
August 15: District Grilli Iron Bridge: Assoc activity organized by the White Valley neighborhood youth group. 12am.
August 14: District Paraguay, an activity organized by the Management Board of the ICC and youth group "Caripelas." 16hs.
August 15: District Nebot, an activity organized by the Bureau of Community-based SUM of neighborhood youth group from Don Bosco and AJUP.14hs youth group.
also have games, sports, traditional sweets and chocolate.
More Info: 0261 153 058431, 0261 156 663556
Guaymallén County Coordination Community Relations
"For the People's Organization"
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