It is the second ...
Next Saturday August 21 from 16 ° ° pm. start the second module Militant Training Meetings in the City of Guaymallén.
After the first part: Processes Latin American Peoples, coordinated by the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, is coming this Saturday 21, the first game of the second module of Militant Training Encounters, aimed at social organizations Guaymallén and which are also participating organizations Maipú, Lavalle, Godoy Cruz and Las Heras, organized by the Municipality of Guaymallén through the Coordination of Community Relations.
Part Two: Media Monopolies and coordinated by the Argentine Forum of Community Radio FARCO begins this Saturday 21 August from 16 until 18.30 pm. on the 6th floor of the Guaymallén County, located on Calle Libertad 720, Villa Nueva.
The objective of this module is that participants can reflect and learn about the debate on new law on audiovisual media services and from there take a critical look at the role of monopolies understanding and analyzing the interests of big media companies in history. From the training debate, information and communication, understanding the role of media in the last 34 years of Argentina's history and what impact this has on the community where organizations work.
are waiting ...
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