Invitation to all the people, we recover the joy came the Carnaval Grand Closing!
Next Saturday March 19 from 16hs. Gomensoro Street (from Columbus to Bolivia) will be the Grand Corsódromo Guaymallén. They parade around 1,000 artists from extras (with live music), street musicians, costumes, organizations, etc. Then from 19.30 pm. street closure in Bolivia (compared to the Neighborhood Union Gomensoro) with performance of great artists (ballet dance, live music and street musicians).
Because we started on the path to Joy as law, we hope to everyone!
Organizers: Folk Dance School Bolivia, Gomensoro Neighborhood Union, district Youth Group Sarmiento, Comunidad Boliviana Guaymallén County (Cord. Community Relations).
Support: Government of Mendoza, Network Carnival Collective Center Boliviana.
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