Friday, March 25, 2011

Kate's Playground Majorwager

Public denunciation of the Union Section of the CNT to the DGA and SODEMASA

After making yesterday the union section of CNT in SODEMASA a press conference and not have little response from the media (only published the press conference Aragó ( ) and then send a press kit (now repeat at the same time we do publish in this page) and check that we received acclaim for its part, I ask all that Forest Fire difundáis the information we present. Also we invite you to attend the April 8, 2011 to the concentration in Spain Plaza in memory of fallen comrades in Aragon in IF and denounce the lack of security in the proceedings, the precarious employment situation SODEMASA workers and the treatment continued ninguneo who have tried to fight for the interests of the Forest Fire defense we have attempted independent trade union representatives.

Last Saturday, 19/03/2011, and like all we already know to land a helicopter fell against Forest Fires in Aragon. Specifically, the helicopter transport unit Alcorisa, Teruel. In this accident there were 6 dead and 1 injured ( = 17347).

The accident occurred when they were going to put an IF in Villel, Teruel. The causes are being investigated but Section SODEMASA CNT Association believes successful press article Periodico de Aragon as a plausible explanation of what happened ( http://www. / news / noticia.asp ? pkid = 657191 ). This Section Association, awaiting news of CIAIAC ( LANG_CASTELLANO / ORGANOS_ COLEGIADOS/CIAIAC/RECIENTES1. htm) believe the correct course of action now is to continue with its policy of reporting:
  1. Union repression exercised against the Forest Fire in Aragon.
  2. The precariousness of the Forest Fire in Aragon.
  3. The lack of security in the IF in Aragon.
That no one would ever think that we are opportunistic, as is accusing us for these complaints. These complaints have made an almost year and displayed on our website ( http://sodemasacnt.blogspot. com / ).

The timing of it is created as part of Association and contextualization of what happened is as follows.

1 º) at the date of 07/02/2008, a simulation was carried out in the field of mabiobras of San Gregorio. Participated in this drill units DGA (Directorate of the Government of Aragon) and the EMU. The conclusion in the immediate post-briefing (or sharing) was the disorganization and lack of security ( news / noticia.asp? Notid = 12490). Never conducted any written report thereof. During this drill instructor David Vidal went to monitor the different performances along with Javier Larue (PRL) and Jose Antonio Piñero (acc manager, the writer was seen as a unity government of Aragon front reitraba called to a safe area. When I mentioned to one of the directors of extinction (there were several in different locations) "!!!! told me that they had communication with them ¡¡¡". Faced with such nonsense answer and I offered to let me get close to see that they could be going for this behavior is so unusual to see burn when the flame front was easily extinguishing. Given permission and ran until they told me to get the APN or agent for the protection of nature (forest ranger) who had found many shells and fear had chosen to retire. I ran back to the director of extinction and this notice to military personnel will come out to make sure that these shells were hollow charge and there was no danger.

From the above we obtain two conclusions that are a history of calamities:
  • The director of extinction did not give any fear have units operating without communication. This violates the principal rule of safety in the IF, whose acronym is ocelli.
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    • A nclar extinction

      This incident is not investigated.
  • not learned from the experience because in the Great IF of the same year in San Gregorio based helicopter transport unit (Ejea de los Caballeros) is in on the parade ground when he was still exploding military equipment. Subsequently, the reason imposed and removed, but the fellow became frightened as we reported.
This incident was investigated nor given diffusion Aragón-Spain.

2 º) In 2009 the situation was dire IF in Aragon. But especially was the incident Ejea helicopter transport unit of the Knights when they become trapped by fire in one of the IF in Teruel. Specifically in the Aliaga-Ejulve of 07/22/2009. In this entrapment, the real shock was taken by the Director of extinction as the unit battery ran out on the airwaves. (Helicopter transport units have 2 stations for terrestrial communications (known as land and FM)) and for communication with the air assets (air and called AM)). Nor could they communicate by phone for being in a "dark." The shock to the ED was monumental. No further investigate these facts or were given spread between units of Aragon, Spain.

3 º) Almost at the same time of this incident, GRAF mates had a fatal accident on 21.7.2009 in the fire of Sant Joan ( http:// ) . In this fire the reaction showed no care for the wounded survivor was dire and neglect ( ). It is quite possible that this has been repeated in Aragon.

With this background and with no view of amendment, in 2010 we decided to create the union section of CNT in SODEMASA to improve the safety of Forest Fire Aragon. As a delegate was appointed to David Vidal was the Instructor of Forest Fire. The first action was to put a series of written security public enterprise labor SODEMASA ( http://sodemasacnt.blogspot. com / p / written-sodemasa.html ). Do not know how they learned from the company but the day before when we went to get other writings on Labour Inspection ( http://sodemasacnt.blogspot. com/p/escritos-inspeccion- trabajo.html ) stopped the work and service officer of CNT (recall that it was the instructor of the Forest Fire). This maneuver was intended to silence the reporting of the situation of precariousness and of job insecurity. In subsequent trials won at least that the contracts were fraudulent and SODEMASA ( http://sodemasacnt.blogspot. com/p/sentencia-despido- formador.html ;).

face the real risk of intervention by the Forest Fire and neglect the responsibility of emergency managers, on 13/05/2010 perform various letters to the public and business administration SODEMASA ( http://sodemasacnt.blogspot. com/p/escritos-gobierno- aragon.html ). In these writings we clear safety procedures. In particular at the point t of falling helicopters. We never responded to the letters (only answer to say that President was not his competition.) These emergency procedures are required under the law of Occupational Health and Safety, 95, in Article 20. This assertion is arguable that wildland firefighters are not part of the law of PRL to be emergency work but says the insth ( Contents / Institute / Commission / GruposTrabajo / RESPUESTAINSHT. pdf) and the general direction of the work ( Contents / Institute / Commission / GruposTrabajo / RESPUESTADGT.pdf ) are mandatory to be disasters. And Villel fire was not. And this is what has failed in this helicopter crash. If we look at the timing according to various media, the helicopter drops to 13.30. At 14.00 it gives notice to 112 of this situation. 14.45 is located at the unit wrecked by the Civil Guard helicopter medicalized asking some of Zaragoza. We may be talking more hour and a half to be served, and all efforts by means alien to the management of IF itself even having about various aircraft (helicopters and planes) and a multitude of APN (forest officials). This is what our Association Section denounce and complaint: the lack of contingency plans within the operating performances of Aragon against IF.

time frame of the accident according to various media:

13.30 helicopter falls:


To top nonsense, the Environment Minister Alfredo Bone said now, and after the accident, he is willing to talk with the unions. Section Association has asked our written on 3 occasions this meeting without any response ( ).

Because of this, co disseminate information that David Vidal, Instructor of Forest Fire Aragón, delegate of the CNT in SODEMASA and fired for trying to improve safety:
  1. asked a year ago plans to respond to possible accidents in the interventions, the response to this accident helicopter.
  2. That accident response was slow and in Horta de San Joan
  3. That ninguneo by the Administration and Bone is manifest.
  4. And the next days April 8, 2011 met at 20.00 to honor and protest that this is not repeated
We do not want Congratulations to finish without thanking John for recently become a parent, as well as the Angus family newborn daughter born

S avalanche peers.


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