Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tingling Fingers Thirst

A job interview by Monty Python or

EFE News Agency of the Environment Minister, Alfredo Bone:

"As for the fire fighting operations this year, stressed that has also been affected by cuts budget by 23 percent, and has chosen to keep the number of teams (62 terrestrial and 8 helicopter transport) and reduce recruitment time by 2.3 months on average, to 5.7 months.

is scandalous The openness with which these politicians say things that affect the citizens of Aragon. How you can cut the budget by 23% from one year to another?, (because it does not work with foresight and if the Marchet). And how can so dramatically reduce the months of recruitment?, "so without further ado?. Because, that on average 5.7 months are hiring means that many seals are employed under 5, ages 4 and up to 3 months (most impossible job insecurity). Can you be a professional with just a few months of employment a year?. Enough, Mr. Bone, would have more consciousness and shame.



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