After a respectful silence due to family peer of deceased Alcorisa Section CNT Association expresses its indignation energetic and resounding with :
- SODEMASA company (especially with its dome of Directors and the Managing Director Jesús Jiménez Muniesa)
- the administration (especially with the Ministry of Environment and Forest Management CEO Alberto Contreras Trivedi)
- with politicians (and especially with the Minister of Environment, Government of Aragon, Alfredo Bone Pueyo),
- with Labour Inspectorate not imposed on the company and the entire organization against Aragon IF more rigorously to defend the security of workers. IT still having responded to the allegations made by the Union Section has not touched the most important thing in PRL gross misconduct.
- And the judiciary of Aragon by conniving behavior with SODEMASA when judged very kindly and allow union repression. Thus, to defend their occupational interests is largely hindered by having the CNT-SODEMASA workers to organize clandestinely to defend their "job security."
And now wonder openly
- How can we have 1 fatality annually in Aragon prevention and suppression of IF?
- 2007: Ruth Saura ( Brigade Alcorisa)
- 2009: Ramón Conejero (Firefighter driver Park Teruel)
- 2010: Joaquín Morales (Under seal Gallego)
- 2011: Angus Thomson, José Ramón Millán, Francisco Javier Benaque Esteban Galve, Albert B, Rafael Andreu Omella ( Brigade Alcorisa)
- How can we IF be held against a high job insecurity?. " is logical to work 4 months of Forestry Firefighter of the risks to be assumed?.
- How can we be sending Firefighters extinguish forest IF discharged from Social Security as ordinary laborers?
- How can we be facing the IF in Aragon with a direction Emergency Management and the Forest Fire, those in front of fire and are SODEMASA public company, little known do not continually practice together? In any organization private enterprise was given a similar case would be ipso facto sanctioned by the Courts Social workers clearly illegal assignment.
- impunity "As you can see if the instructor of wildland firefighters to be dismissed unfairly David Vidal in clear repression of trade unions to create Section Association and make written reports of insecurity in SODEMASA ? . It's crazy that the instructor wants to demonstrate lack of security and the company rather than accept it, close it and dwell in safety opts for the dismissal. How can
- Public Administration did not answer or want to have contact with the CNT after multiple written complaints and demands made against job insecurity, lack of clarity in recruitment and overall lack of PRL?.
is by this that the union section of CNT in SODEMASA invites media to a press conference on Thursday 03/24/2011 at 11:00 a.m. in the Federation Neighborhood Associations of Zaragoza FABZ to expose and explain the situation of lack of PRL in SODEMASA. The location of FABZ is the San Vicente de Paul, No. 26 2nd floor.
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