Alcorisa excitedly fired six dead brigade Helicopter crash victims in Teruel Forestry helicopter transport:
Francisco Javier Benaque Esteban Galve,
: Albert B,
Agent Protection of Nature:
R afael
Y e l sole survivor:
- and are true heroes because they worked in an extremely hostile to where no one else would (only a few brave firefighters brvos). By working to
- society in exchange for a poor recognition for their work quietly, by an ungrateful pay for their daily suffering of prevention and stoically enduring a clear and continuous ninguneo from your company (political organization and cacique where available). So are great heroes, because they have given their lives to extinguish a fire going when all other citizens flee.
- flee fire When all we are going to get him.
So Alcorisa live our colleagues in our memory. And they live all wildland firefighters.
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